
  1. Participation: Konkurransen er åpen for alle som er bosatt i Skandinavia og over 18 år. Ved å delta i konkurransen, bekrefter deltakeren å oppfylle disse kriteriene.
  2. Submission: Participants can submit up to three photos via the submission form on our website. Submitted images can be in any format.
  3. Content: Submitted photos must be of a model. All images must be original works and not infringe copyright or privacy. The person photographed must be over 18 years of age. See ours content requirements for what kind of images are allowed.
  4. Rating and awards: Det blir kåret to vinnere. En vinner blir kåret av en fagjury, og den andre vinneren er det bildet som har mottatt flest stemmer ved konkurransens avslutning. Ved stemmelikhet vil Modell Boost ha det endelige ordet.
  5. Theme: The month's theme is on the individual competition page. Open category means you can share any type of photos of models.
  6. Prize: The winner will have their photo featured on our website, with full credit to the photographer and model. The winning photo can also be shared on our social media and on our blog. Other prizes are specified under each individual competition.
  7. Copyright and usage: By submitting photos to the competition, participants grant Modell Boost the right to display the image on Modell Boost's blog or social media. Photographers retain full rights to the images submitted.
  8. Disclaimer: Model Boost is not responsible for any technical problems that prevent submission or voting.
  9. Changes to the terms: Modell Boost reserves the right to change the competition conditions at any time and without prior notice.
  10. Acceptance of the terms: By entering the competition, participants accept these terms and conditions in full.